
I'm downwind from those turkeys.

... if you thought my past postings were a bit off the wall, get ready for
radiation effects ...

Geeze, the only way for anyone to benefit for this tragedy will be shorting
GE, or else getting in on the Defkalion IPO <g> ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton 

> It looks like they are both going Chernobyl.

Reactor 1 control room is indicating 1000x background which probably
means it's pegged.  Evac has been increased to 10 km.  Reactor 2 evac
is 3 km with warnings to prepare to go to 10 km.

There are live feeds in multiple languages on the net.  Fox has a good one.

They are also giving new tsunami warnings of 3m elsewhere in Japan in
multiple languages.


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