Japan's nuclear tragedy will of course bring into question the wisdom
of constructing new nuclear power plants in the U.S., and just when it
was beginning to experience another renaissance.

There has been a push to develop Thorium based reactors, a technology
that can't produce nuclear bombs. It is my understanding that is one
of the main reasons why thorium based nuclear energy was never pursued
- because they couldn't make any bombs out of the stuff.  Generating
nuclear energy was considered a secondary "benefit".

I'm concerned that all the fear generated as a result if Japan's
tragic disaster will lump anything with the word "nuclear" in it as
totally unacceptable. And if Rossi's "cold fusion" e-cat device is
soon verified by the NRC as being a "nuclear" effect its introduction
could possibly experience unexpected resistance as well. How ironic.

I sure hope the engineering, safety issues, and over-all economics
pertaining Rossi & Focard's e-cat device pans out relatively soon. Not
soon enuf for me.

If there ever was a time to seriously consider an alternative form of energy...

Steven Vincent Johnson

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