>From Jones

The only winner in Japan from this tragedy will be Toshiba



"The technical specifications of the 4S reactor are unique in the
nuclear industry.[2] The actual reactor would be located in a sealed,
cylindrical vault 30 m (98 ft) underground, while the building above
ground would be 22×16×11 m (72×52.5×36 ft) in size. This power plant
is designed to provide 10 megawatts of electrical power with a 50 MW
version available in the future.[3]"

* * *

The Kiplinger Letter mentioned Toshiba's new portable nuke generators
some time ago. I gather they are soon to be available for purchase. I
believe one of their original purposes was to supply a cheap reliable
source electricity in remote spots on the globe including, ironically,
oil extraction facilities. Obviously Toshiba's 4S reactors are
significantly smaller than a standard nuclear reactor built to
generate electricity for civilians and industries. It will take a lot
of 4S's to replace a typical nuclear generation plant facility.

Maybe they can get a discount on bulk orders. [he sed sarcastically]


> If you followed my (notoriously bad, formerly) investment advice
> a couple of days ago - and shorted GE, then now is the time to
> double-up – and go long on Toshiba… after which – please! Use
> the profits to fund LENR…

I'm for a modest AE surcharge tax, to be implemented on profits
garnered from the sale of stocks pertaining to the petroleum and
nuclear industry.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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