NHK news was interrupted at 11 a.m. local time. Prime Minister Kan addressed
the nation, followed by Sec. Edano. They announced the following:

There is a fire in the spent fuel pool in unit 4. Probably this means the
water has drained and the spent fuel heated up and caused a local hydrogen
fire. They are attempting to put it out. Unit 4 was not in operation when
the earthquake and tsunami struck.

The outer container in unit 2 was breached by the explosion at 6 a.m. (It
was reported earlier that pressure fell from 3 atm to 1 atm.)

Radiation levels around the plant are higher. They range from 30 to 400
millisieverts (400,000 microsieverts). The highest reading was between units
2 and 3.

There were 800 workers on site. 750 are being withdrawn because of the
danger. 50 will remain to fight the fire in unit 4 and continue cooling the
other three units.

The P.M. ordered all remaining people within 20 km to evacuate. He requested
-- but did not order -- that people between 20 and 30 km remain indoors,
refrain from using airconditioners or other ventilation, and refrain from
drying laundry outdoors, and remove clothing and shake it out in the foyer
before entering the house.

- Jed

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