>From Jed:

> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/mar/17/nuclear-future-beyond-japan/
> This is the first I have seen in a major U.S. mass media general newspaper.
> Just as Japan’s earthquake raises fears of catastrophe from a nuclear
> meltdown and Mideast turmoil jeopardizes the world’s supply of conventional
> energy, along comes word of a possible scientific breakthrough that holds
> out the hope of cheap, abundant power. Cold fusion - discredited and
> vilified in the past - is back in the news. The potential benefits are great
> enough that, despite past failures, the technology deserves a fair hearing
> from the scientific community this time.
> - Jed

The WT article concludes with:

Cold fusion is the holy grail of energy generation. Achieving it would
constitute a breakthrough of epic proportions, but wishing it won’t
make it so. In light of Japan’s nuclear woes, the scientific community
should approach the Focardi-Rossi enterprise with both healthy
skepticism and a wary eye toward naysayers who would suppress rational
inquiry. Let science be science and the chips fall where they will.


Not a bad conclusion to draw at this stage of the game. I think the
article will help a lot in garnering considerable on-the-street
interest in the Italian event. Can't hurt!

Perhaps the snowball at the top of the hill is finally beginning it's
epic roll down the slope. How big will it get? Nobody knows!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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