SHIRAKAWA Akira <> wrote:

On 2011-03-19 20:04, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>  Rossi tells  IE, “We are making a thorough series of tests with the
>> University of Bologna, which will be 12 months long with a reactor in
>> operation 24 hours per day. During this year we will make a long theory
>> of measurements and tests, also in collaboration with CERN researchers.
>> A report will be made at the end of the 12 months of measurements.”

> To be fair, that is what Rossi says.
> Rossi says many things. He's very talkative (excluding technical details),
> however what he says does not always turn out to be 100% accurate.

Yup! That's why I copied the paragraph; to show that it is Rossi who said

> Some time back Rossi also said, as far as I remember, that agreements were
> made with the Bologna University to test his reactor and perform related
> research. However at at that time only proposals were made, according to a
> reader of Passerini's "22Passi" blog who contacted them directly.

I think that arrangement has now been made, and the research project is
underway. So, even though Rossi does tend to jump the gun and say all kinds
of things, much of what he said in the past eventually came true. Or I guess
I should say it panned out.

I listened to him for a year thinking he was a blowhard who would accomplish
what he claimed. Then in January, boom! -- out of nowhere, he did those
spectacular demonstrations. I have learned not to underestimate him.

> I would really prefer to read directly from the interested parties about
> their involvement, and not only from A.Rossi.

So would I. I would prefer that even if Rossi had no history of making,
shall we say, inconsistent comments. It is always better to have third party
confirmation. Fortunately, I have heard that the reports in the Greek press
are coming from people in Greece. One of the reporters told me that. Some of
the reports from Greece are spectacular. In a way they are as amazing as the
18-hour demonstration.

The Greek "Investor's World" newspaper says they have 200 million euros
lined up for the factory in Greece. See:

That's a lot of money! That is probably more than the entire amount invested
in cold fusion since 1989. I do not think that information came from Rossi,
or from Rossi alone. I think the Greek reporters spoke with people at
Defkalion Green Energy.

I think 200 million euros is as amazing as 1000 MJ of heat because, as I
said before, Rossi's experiment has plenty of precedent. It did not come out
of nowhere.

- Jed

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