Here's a question that I hope some resident Vort experts might be able
to answer.

Assuming, in due course, that Rossi's E-Cat, or some new and improved
CF version eventually drops the price of electricity down to just
under a penny a KwH... But, then, for the sake of argument, let's
assume that there remain huge technological problems that prevent us
from producing electricity any cheaper than just under a penny - at
least for many more decades to come.

While the price of electricity hovers at just under a penny a KwH for
decades would that be cheap enough to do things like desalinate sea
water cost effectively?

I suspect there might still be numerous practical ways to reduce the
price of electricity, like don't buy from a utility company! Instead,
purchase your own E-Cat reactors and generate your own electricity on

Just curious as to what the cost breakdown might be in order to make
desalinization a realistic goal.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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