Could Andrea Rossi become a John Galt and hide his free energy machine?

My wife said there is a car in her parking lot with a sticker asking
"Who is John Galt?"  It occurred to me that, if the criticism becomes
too great, AR might choose to hide his device per Jed's statement.  My
wife is curious about who in her multi-use office building owns the
vehicle with the sticker.  So I wrote up a Post-It with the address and my personal email address and told her to
stick it on his driver door window.

I'll post the results here.


That could be me.
I know I have had some John Galt stickers and even had an Atlas oil painting on my lab wall for years now.

I was told by some gov. types that they would just take anything they wanted. ........... I didn't and don't believe them, but still it is the attitude that gets you after a while.

I know that Gene M. told me that as he was helping with the Saint movie that the yellow post-its and the idea that the invention would be given if just asked for came from me...... (the equations in the bra were rewritten from Peter H) Yet the reality, is that the ones that "pay the piper call the tunes". When you get support you end up under a different set of rules.


PS I think that the Atlas Shrugged movie comes out next month- in parts.

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