>From Jed

> This was mentioned by one of Rossi's blog contributers. See:

I met Dr. Brian O'Leary at a New Age UFO convention held in Nebraska back in
the mid 1990s. Brian was the individual who first piqued my interest in a
concept known as "Zero Point Energy". Never heard of the idea before then.

Brian lectured on a lot of eclectic subjects. ZPE was just one of the topics
he discussed. He showed slides, photographs of individuals with crazy
looking contraptions, all professing to show energy anomalies. Many were
from India, I seem to recall. Remember, this was back I the 90s.

Brian was into aikido. 

We bent spoons!

The biggest thing I took home with me after meeting Brian was the fact that
I really needed to study up on what ZPE, and "energy from the vacuum". I
knew it was important. Eventually, I stumbled into the Vort Collective after
Mike Carrell brought the group to my attention.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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