Some only want to see the worst in people... we're all a product of what we've 
gone thru in out
lives.  Unfortunately, its not all rosy...



From: noone noone [] 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

Since I started this thread I would like to request that accusations against 
Andrea Rossi not be
made in this thread.

If you think he is lying please take such discussion to another thread.

Lets focus on finding additional information and figuring out what catalysts he 
is using.


From: Jones Beene <>
Sent: Mon, April 11, 2011 7:36:44 PM
Subject: RE: Fwd: [Vo]:Rossi E-Cat CATALYST Speculation Thread

From: Jed Rothwell 

HE DOES NOT WANT REPLICATION - how obvious that is by now.

*  It is obvious because he has said it, clearly, many times. He does sometimes 
make himself clear.


Baloney. Where did he say this?  


Bologna?  <G>


*  I don't see anything untoward about it. Of course he doesn't want 
replication! It would endanger
his intellectual property. If I were his patent lawyer I would advise him to 
close down his blog and
shut up.


That would be good advice. However, you're not and he didn't .


Instead of silence, which would be the wisest course and which he has every 
right to maintain - he
enjoys the spotlight, encourages questions and answers them in ways planned to 
misdirect the efforts
of others. 


And then, when carrying out this ruse - he gets caught in obvious lies - 
instead of condemnation,
you want to go easy on him because he does not speak the English language very 
well ?


Give me a break. Intentional deceit is immoral. 


Many observers would say that Rossi should have just closed down his blog, 
remained silent until
October, and maintained some semblance of integrity. 


Instead he has apparently chosen to stay in the headlines - sop-up the praises 
and adulation and
then intentionally mislead other researchers: thus to impede the ability of 
finding out the truth,
which sadly - he may not know.



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