By the numbers:


1)    Start with five linked Mills reactors, or one Rossi E-Cat, divided
into 5 segments with programmable controllers.


2)    Heat the segments in delayed steps up to a trigger temperature using
electrical input energy. At this point, a positive feedback loop is
established one-by-one, and it will proceed to a runaway if heat is not
rapidly removed (the gain is infinite within a range).


3)    Within a range above the trigger temperature, hydrogen will be
converted to spillover (Rossi) or hydrinos (Mills) rapidly. The reaction is
reversible and asymmetric. It is probably the same reaction under different


4)    There is net gain in the asymmetry, due to either "shrinkage" (Mills)
or an unknown nuclear reaction (Rossi) and in either case the 'support' can
provide cavity effects.


5)    However, either the catalyst or the support becomes progressively
saturated over time, and the net gain becomes attenuated. When the first
segment to become saturated and starts to cool, it signals the blue box that
it is becoming 'inactive' segment and gets immediate electrical input, as
well as shared heat from the others.


6)    When it is regenerated and back in action, then according to plan, the
second (next) cell in the progression becomes saturated and inactive, and
the regeneration mode switches over to this one, ad infinitum.


7)    A continuous cycle of regeneration is established, such that (for
instance) a percentage of the gain in the active segments (or reactors) can
help to regenerate (de-saturate) the spent catalyst in an inactive segment;
and this regeneration is speeded up at a higher temperature (requiring
electrical input). The time required for this is short compared to the run
time - thus the high COP.


8)    Regeneration would normally decrease the net gain substantially, but
that gain was nearly infinite to begin with, due to positive feedback, if
unchecked by heat removal. 


9)    In the end, there will be energy loss due to the sharing arrangement,
and additional losses from required electrical current (to raise the
regeneration temperature) and the net gain will be reduced from infinite to
somewhere around 30:1 if the results seen are accurate. 


In short, some of the excess thermal energy can be internally recycled for
regeneration, but this does not matter, since the positive feedback insures
infinite gain up to the point of saturation. Mills may use 


All that the inventor needs to do for long term success, then - is to stage
and coordinate the system properly so that regeneration is built into the
operation, and then everything proceeds without overlap.


As to why the older small reactors were brought out for a public view after
the original demo - this can be explained as Rossi realizing that he has
possibly given away too much info; and that he needs to confuse the
situation with a large dose of 'misdirection'. Same with the isotope
enrichment episode.


One of the E-kittens apparently ran for 18 hours, but so one can be sure
since Italian physicists like to dine and sleep. But if so, this period may
be indicative of the time gap between needed regeneration phases, since the
single units cannot do it alone. The regeneration could take far less time
at higher temperature, but only the delta-T, so to speak, comes from added
electrical current.


Warm regards,



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