Alchemy was more than just a collection of blind rituals.
It was based on a natural philosophy which may contain some precious insights
that were buried with the rise of the mechanical philosophy.


--- Original Message ----
> From: OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, April 14, 2011 11:04:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Is it nuclear, or is it Memorex?
> Robin, Harry,
> Just to clarify some of my ramblings...
> My use of the term "alchemy" was an oversimplified reference to the
> desire to transmute common elements into valuable elements... i.e. the
> desire to "transmute" lead into gold. The point I was trying to imply
> is that the old-world "alchemical" (almost ritualistic) pursuit of
> creating gold from common elements is, in a sense, metaphorically
> equivalent to the new-world pursuit of generating lots of clean cheap
> excess heat, or energy.
> I would even go so far as to speculate here that what Rossi seems to
> be doing with his e-cat reactors is analogous to an alchemical
> "ritual" - in the sense that if you follow the recipe to the letter,
> and in the right sequence, it would seem that you can end up
> generating lots of heat. No one yet knows why these "ritualistic"
> sequences-of-events work in the manner that they do. That's what
> rituals are really good at doing: Producing a desired result,
> particularly when the fundamental physics that might scientifically
> explain what's happening remains (a present) a baffling mystery.
> Alas, I've often noted that some of the metaphors I conjure up
> occasionally cause more confusion than their intended purpose.
> Win a few metaphors... lose a few metaphors.
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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