Ok that's the sort of possible issue I was referring to in terms of their 
policies being acceptable. 

I have a domain already and can have a mediawiki set up there probably this 
weekend, if others share your concerns. 

If you would prefer to do it, or can get it up faster, feel free. 

Sent from my iPhone. 

On Apr 18, 2011, at 17:20, "Angela Kemmler" <angela.kemm...@gmx.de> wrote:

> citation:
> BTW, is this not a good place to set one up at?
> http://www.peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Andrea_Rossi's_Cold_Fusion_Energy_Catalyzer_(E-Cat):_Frequently_Asked_Questions
> No. I remember very well that the company "Pure Energy Systems Network 
> Incorporated" (PESN) was involved in the Perendev-scandal. PESN-owner Allan 
> even was the owner of the swindle company Perendev internet domain 
> (perendev.com). He worked together with Maserati-owner Mike Brady who sold 
> not existing "self-running" electromagnetic generators he never delivered. 
> But he got money (1.4 million US Dollars) in advance from around 60 customers 
> and was sentenced here in Germany to five years and nine month in prison 
> (fraud). I remember the case very well. 
> PESN has clearly commercial interests, and our discussions of the 
> Rossi-principle have nothing to do with business. Further, they (PESN) talk 
> on their webpages about so called "scalar waves", consipracy theories and 
> other pseudoscience:
> ...We seek to bring knowledge of suppressed technologies into more 
> conventional arenas ...
> Nobody "supresses" Rossi, even the italian television RAI3 talked about him, 
> there are three Wikipedia articles about the Ecat and the university of 
> Uppsala will perhaps test his device later this week.
> ***
> I installed sucessfully three times the Wikimedia software, that wikipedia 
> uses. It takes about one or two hours to install it and it is free. And a 
> domain costs here in Germany about 50 ct / month, in the USA perhaps even 
> less.  
> So, it seems for me to be the better choice than a ads-encircled environment 
> like a PESN - page. There is enough ads in the internet ! 
> Angela
> -- 
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