
The thread title Neg Energy and ZPE represents a stumbling box for some. We
know that energy density is the sum of all vacuum fluctuation wavelengths
and that even in deep open space without mass there still remains an energy
density background. One would assume that suppression could further reduce
this background level but with little chance of ever really reaching a
perfect zero. As it turns out this is untrue. These flux (aka virtual
particles)aren't hanging around but rather are streaming through our spatial
axis at a rate represented by this density (what Puthoff calls pressure) and
when they meet a conductive boundary in Casimir geometry it reduces their
ability to stream. Now it doesn't matter if you accept my relativistic
interpretation of Casimir theory where longer wavelengths only appear
shorter inside an accelerated inertial frame due to the suppression or the
standard fare that the longer wavelengths are displaced lowering the
density, The point is that if the cavity opening is small enough you end up
with a permanent negative energy stream between the higher density exterior
and lower density interior. It isn't the reduced density inside the cavity
that is negative but rather the fast moving stream between the different
densities that represent a negative density lower than the background levels
that fed the mechanism, like the wind speed through a small hole in a sail
it can be many times faster than the ambient.




Wm. Scott Smith
Mon, 18 Apr 2011 16:39:53 -0700

Francis and I have discussed modeling virtual photons as oscillating on

time axis so that we only observe their "forward-time" motion.


> Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 18:23:25 -0400

> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Ontologies of heat

> From:

> To:


> In the Bizarro world of negative energy beyond the zero point,

> negative energy is the same as positive energy in our three space.


> T


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