>From Jones:

> http://www.slideshare.net/lewisglarsen/lattice-energy-llcnickelseed-lenr-networksapril-20-2011
> Impressive presentation! But is it built on a foundation of sand?
> Boy, these guys must have a high quality PR firm, staffed with
> multi-media whizzes at work 24/7… but are they trying to salvage
> a brain-dead theory, and apply it to NiH by capitalizing on the
> Rossi frenzy?
> Big bucks going into fancy pantsy PR presentations combined
> with zero good lab work does not look good for the future of
> the field.

I'm not sure everyone would agree with "...zero good lab work", but
I'm definitely not the expert here.

When I look at Larsen's slide show the graphics that always intrigue
me are the ones shown on plate 14 pertaining to "Five-peak
mass-spectrum: ULM neutron 'fingerprint' - l" ...What Larsen
proponents call the 'smoking gun'.

The findings would seem to suggest that there might be some physical
evidence to back up their claim.  (However, I'm not qualified to pass
judgment, yea or nay.) What are the prevailing thoughts on what is
actually being represented here? IS this possibly a 'smoking gun'? And
if not, why not?

Steven Vincent Johnson

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