On 2011-04-21 21:37, Jed Rothwell wrote:
I do not know what to make of it.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but I often wonder if the name "Energy Catalyzer" chosen by Rossi isn't itself a hint regarding the internal reactor construction. Given that his English language skill isn't very great, trying to read into his mind I would guess he thought of the Italian word "catalizzatore", also commonly used in Italy to refer to "catalytic converters" (short form: cat) found in modern automobiles.

If this is the case, following the same concept (while not being exactly the same as the powder/catalyst is not in direct contact with water and pressurized hydrogen is used), inside the reactor there would be a conduit for the water to flow (or many smaller conduits for larger water heating efficiency), while the catalyst would be, sealed in the cavity around it, which would make the heater placement logical.


A twist to this is that perhaps the reactor isn't filled with powdered catalyst, but following the catalytic converter concept, the catalyst is embedded on the reactor internal walls not in contact with water, maybe machined to increase surface roughness and therefore surface area.

This might also explain why:
- Rossi mentioned often that at the end of its life cycle, the reactor portion of an E-Cat must be replaced completely with a new one.
- The inside of the reactor is apparently "complex"

However, this is just my speculation.


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