on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:20:32 Robin wrote in reply to Axil

>*The motivation to reduce the size of the Cat-E down to a very small size

>may well be that a small Cat-E produces far less nuclear radiation than a

>large one. The scaling factor on this characteristic may be exponential.*



That would only be possible if E-kitten used a different physical reaction

the E-cat. This is very unlikely.





        Your argument goes away if the nuclear reaction is subsequent to an
interim Zero point reaction and

Axil's comment regarding the e-kitten producing less radiation could be
accurate if the total energy were a sum of interim and nuclear reactions. I
am convinced that the same energy that supplies the endless motion of gas is
accelerated by the reduced energy density of Casimir suppression. I think it
is change in this suppression level that discounts the temperature needed to
disassociate molecular gas and then Nature that later reforms the molecule
when the temperature drops - an endless chemical reaction between h2 > 2h1
powered by ZPE that does make sense of the needed cooling loop to accelerate
the reaction by reforming the molecules. I think it is the scale of this
endless chemical reaction that makes favorable otherwise unlikely nuclear
reactions. My argument regarding the unlikely scale of the chemical
reactions is that the present Casimir theory of longer wavelengths being
displaced or upshifted is only half right - they are shorter from our
perspective but inside the cavity they remain unchanged to a local observer
because the cavity is time dilated to make them fit. For a given Area/plate
separation^4 the closer the plates the more time is accelerated - unlike an
inertial frame that would require massive energy to spatially accelerate an
object to large fractions of C in order to slow time,  accelerating time is
accomplished for pocket change by Casimir suppression and there is no
spatial displacement - hydrogen outside the cavity remains spatially
adjacent to hydrogen at huge equivalent accelerations in the nearby cavity.
If we could engineer such environments at our scale we would still need the
free transportation equivalent of gas motion to move between frames and
exploit the differences. 

My point is that we have too many clues suggesting this is relativistic -
Naudts orbital, modified half lives, lasers transitioning through Casimir
cavities faster than C. If we consider the gas atoms that experience the
minimum plate spacing the degree of their time dilation approaches a scale
that could account for the energy levels - since the gas is already
fractional from our perspective it can continue to dilate even further -
appearing ever smaller and loading into plate spacing based on their
fractional parameters. [Min spacing/137]^4 ? If this be so then the E kitten
vs the E- Cat could easily modify the portions of energy contributed by the
interim vs nuclear paths.



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