On Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:14 Axil wrote

Control of the Rossi reaction is a complicated thing.

The energy density pumping mechanism you site may be only one mechanism of

many that play into the complicated interplay of many factors in which the

Cat-E might be controlled.


Reply --Agreed and it may be only a small fraction but I am convinced it is
the INITIATING mechanism for otherwise improbable reactions.///


Rossi's revelation that the "secret catalyst" makes the Rossi reaction "go"

is an argument against your theory being the sole or even the primary

controlling factor. He states that without this secret element, nickel

powder does not produce a sustained reaction.


Reply --- It is complicated but the secret catalyst whether "spill over" or
an ultrafine "back fill" that simply divides the nano cavities into even
smaller more powerful geometries doesn't negate the need to control the
movement of the gas population above and below the disassociation threshold,
it just gives you more opportunity on a larger scale where fractional
molecules are spread over a larger "volume" or "loading" into ever smaller
relativistic fractional states down to 1/137 - my point is the covalent bond
can act like a rectifier when gas motion pushes the molecule too far from
the fractional value at which it formed in either direction like going from
1/60 h2 to a geometry that wants to reform the atoms of the molecule to a
1/70 th or a 1/50 th fractional state -if the atoms are cool enough to
reform a molecule they will do so at whatever fractional level the geometry
dictates with no stress on the new covalent bond until gas motion pushes it
to a different Casimir geometry.///



But he also says that the Reaction can continue without the application of

external stimulus being applied. This is where the mechanism you site might

come into play. I also think this is a mode that Rossi does not want the

Cat-E reaction to enter.


Reply --- OK if you wish to call lack of control a "mode" vs the PWM
"controlled" "mode" but it is the same initial process before we get into
any possible nuclear reactions. I think the danger is that the cooling loop
slowly builds an army of fractionalized molecules as the system is spun up
which are ready to run away and melt down the geometry in an instant like we
saw with Mills powder in the Rowan confirmations but the quantity of
fractionalized gas would be at a far more dangerous level.///



I think the "secret catalyst" is a spillover catalyst that turns H2 into H-

and forces this H-into the crystal lattice of the nickel powder. In the

beginning, this might have been only a "startup" mechanism.


Reply --- I think "loading" is always an ongoing requirement or the reaction
will die.////




But the reactor melted down more than he would have liked where once is too





I believe that Rossi had to somehow disable energy density pumping to

positively control his reactor the way that he wants to.


REPLY --- I would disagree, He certainly has to throttle it but not
"disable" it.///



If energy density pumping is full blown, the reactor may sometimes enter an

uncontrolled mode where it takes off on its own nickel (pun intended) and

melts down.




As an engineering imperative, I have a feeling that Rossi decided to

centralize control of the reactor in the control box where he can adjust or

shut off control power as required.




He calls his Cat-E reactor an energy amplifier because the small amount of

energy used to control the Cat-E is amplified greatly in the power output of

the reactor.









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