Jed wrote:

"I do not know of any environmentalist support for cold fusion except our poor 
lonely friend Nick Palmer here, but I doubt that environmentalists will be 
strongly opposed to it."

I don't know of any direct environmental movement support or belief - the 
general feeling seems to be interested scepticism. Greens got, and probably 
still get, bombarded by people mentioning 100 mpg carburettors, cars that run 
on water, magic magnet drives, orgone, overunity motors etc. Amongst all the 
crap who would notice a diamond?

As Jed points out, some environmentalists are softening towards nuclear power 
(including me) but that is mainly because the need to avert dangerous climate 
change is so large that nukes are probably the lesser of two evils.  The nukes 
that people like me might favour would be generation 111's with completely 
passive safety systems, built away from fault lines and tsunami prone areas. 
Gen. IVs would be even better.

Assuming that there is the traditional LENR lack of high radioactivity in the 
Ecats, Jed is also right that environmentalists won't be very strongly opposed 
to them. The key aspect is the ability they may have to widely scatter 
generating capacity, by putting affordable power into the hands of the people 
at the local level, instead of the supply being monopolised by huge utility 
corporations. They would stabilise international politics too.

Nick Palmer

On the side of the Planet - and the people - because they're worth it

Blogspot - Sustainability and stuff according to Nick Palmer

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