Yes, Piantelli's patent is certainly more "enabling" than Rossi's...
I think the most interesting statement in the patent excerpt is:
"...heating is needed to cause lattice vibrations, i.e. phonons, whose energy 
is higher than a first
activation energy threshold, through non-linear and an harmonic phenomena."
"thru NON_LINEAR and a HARMONIC phenomena."  
For the theorists out there, what do you make of that statement?



From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Old, but MAJOR clue about the Rossi CATALYST?

>From the 2010 Piantelli patent an important section is excerpted for your 
>convenience as follows:


[quote] The H- ions can be obtained by treating, under particular operative 
conditions, hydrogen H2
molecules that have been previously adsorbed on said transition metal surface, 
where the semi-free
valence electrons form a plasma. In particular, a heating is needed to cause 
lattice vibrations,
i.e. phonons, whose energy is higher than a first activation energy threshold, 
through non-linear
and an harmonic phenomena. In such conditions, the following events can occur: 

a dissociation of the hydrogen molecules that is adsorbed on the surface; an 
interaction with
valence electrons of the metal, and formation of H- ions;

- an adsorption of the H- ions into the clusters, in particular the clusters 
that form the two or
three crystal layers that are most close to the surface. The H- ions can just 
physically interact
with the metal, or can chemically bond with it, in which case hydrides can be 


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