On 2011-04-29 02:02, Alan J Fletcher wrote:

Followup on the same issue:

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Dear M.Rossi
Recently you said,on this blog, that 97 E-cats were already built in 4 different locations. Each one of them would be able to produce 4,4 kW (if the model correspond to the one which was used during the test with the swedish physcicists). So, today all existing E-cats would be able to produce 97*4,4 = 426,8 kW = 0,427 MW. If I choose to take a consumption of 6 kW per house (that’s what we have here in France), you should be able to give enough electric power to supply approximatly 70 houses (a little village). In fact, I’d like to ask you few questions : 1/ Why are you focusing on a 1 MW plant ? You almost reached the half of this power… what will it change to just double it ? 2/ Why does it take so much time to build those devices ? Is it a problem of enrichment ?
3/ Is it more a problem linked with the patent you are looking for ?
Despite the fact that surfing on your blog is my daily vitamin C dose, I must admit that it becomes difficult to wait a so long time…

Dear Mr Rémi Andrè:
1- the 97 E-Cats ( today are 105) are just the modules of the 1 MW plant we will start up in October, and that we are testing separately. 2- It is our first plant, and the lines to make a serial production are not yet ready. I make them one by one and I have to be very careful: have you an idea of what will happen to me if the 1 MW plant will not work? 3- No, the patent has nothing to do with the production. Patent or not patent, we will produce our E-Cats. Of course, if the patent will not be granted we will maintain the industrial secret.
Warm regards,

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In summary:
- On April 28 there were 97 working E-Cats
- On May 01 (today) there are 105 of them
- Assembly lines not ready yet; modules are currently made and tested one by one by Andrea Rossi himself - Patent issues have nothing to do with the time needed to bring the first megawatt plant to the market.


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