Alan -


Why would a self-powered experiment of adequate run time not eliminate all
possible fakes?


Note: the experiment is contained on a moveable cart - no wires, cables, or
other connectors going in or out. It can be started from grid power and then
moved out of doors if necessary. There can be a flood-light to prove a small
excess. How can this be faked if the run time is sufficient ?






From: Alan J Fletcher 


Since we're not going to get a ONE experiment which eliminates ALL Fakes I'm
moving towards a slightly more probabilistic approach

I've added a 2x2 evaluation to each method (fake material): 

We also estimate the Fake's Feasibility (could it be made) and
Concealability (could it escape immediate detection). For example, a fake
powered by Batteries is both Feasible and Concealable. One powered by Diesel
fuel is Feasible, but since its output fumes would instantly be noticed, it
is not Concealable.

Clearly this ranking is subjective, and would be different for different

This gives a five-step scale (which I display with a color code) :

  Feasible, Concealable       -- RED
  Feasible, Not Concealable  -- PINK
  Not Feasible, Concealable -- YELLOW
  Not Feasible, Not Concealable -- PALE GREEN
  Real (ie all fakes eliminated)  -- GREEN

These colors are shown both for the materials, and for an experiment in
which a fake is not eliminated.

I'm also working on an automatic generation of a table of the "best" (and
maybe "worst") fakes for each experiment -- but it's in development and not
working correctly.

Also, I've changed the name of the files to include "proof" rather than

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