The aether that was debunked a century ago, or a different one?

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On May 13, 2011, at 21:53, John Berry <> wrote:

> Well, explain how it is to be tested and we'll give it a shot.
> T
> My opinion is that the conservation of energy is generally accurate and than 
> magnets and most conditions tend to be conservative.
> However this is all dependent on the state of the underlying medium of matter 
> and energy, if you change this medium the rules can change and energy can 
> appear to be created or destroyed, whether it is actually created or 
> liberated from some near infinite storehouse of energy (ZPE if you will) is 
> only of philosophical concern.
> The process as I understand it consists of creating a flux source, a motor, 
> buzzer or choke are all fine choices provided they are unshielded and the 
> magnetic circuit is open or leaky.
> Then you have pickup coils (diodes and bulbs may also do some pickup), these 
> are coupled only most loosely to this primary flux generating circuit, the 
> pickup circuit can't be too directly connected to the flux source if you want 
> to loop it.
> Isolation can be achieved with an isolation transformer, capacitors but other 
> options have been used. (the pickup circuit is rarely ever grounded)
> To reach OU power you need to engage the aether, this increases the energy 
> induced into the pickup circuit.
> There are many ways to engage the aether but it is hard to know what will 
> prove to be sufficient.
> I would strongly recommend replication of Romero's Muller Generator, firstly 
> because he was almost certainly genuine. (if you want evidence of this there 
> are good arguments to be made including details)
> This type of setup stands a very good chance of working.
> The details have been provided and I can provide many suggestions on 
> stimulating the aether (vacuum, ZPE) if it does not initially work.
> Replications should make use of the multi strand insulated wire (as that is 
> one means to engauge the aether) and be as close as practical to Muller's 
> specifications.
> Tuning of the distance was something he did a lot of to get it to self run.
> Alternately a study in the energy induced in a pickup circuit could be 
> undertaken without need to get into attempt to self run or even produce OU, 
> just showing increased energy being induced.
> Are you interested in replicating this one?

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