At 10:54 AM 5/27/2011, you wrote:
Tip to : Peter Ekström: "Kall fusion åter i hetluften"

Points to (in Swedish).
(Too large to translate, says google)

Copy from PDF to Google translate works fine :

... discusses P&F, Blacklight power, eCat demos .. problems of it's not agreeing with current nuclear theory

It may be that there are other
explanatory models, but the claimed
effect can only be explained by nuclear reactions,
so it is difficult to explain away
all nuclear physics problems. This was
Moreover, an important argument even against
Fleischmann and Pons cold fusion: the
overcome the barrier and the absence of
detectable radiation.
Whether we nuclear physics can
explain what is happening or not, the
fundamental question: producing E-Cat

Whether we nuclear physics can
explain what is happening or not, the
fundamental question: producing E-Cat
energy? The problem here is that Rossi of patent reasons
not want to show off the apparatus
is constructed. The power output
calculated as the difference between the power out
(Heating and evaporation of cooling water)
and the effect (electric power). As for
power balance, there are a few problems:
• Can you trust the instruments
showing current and voltage into the ECAT
really shows the correct values so
that the effect is less than 400 W?
• It measures the flow of cooling water in;
but you do not measure the amount of water vapor
out. If not all the water will
exit from the apparatus as water vapor
will calculate the effect of development
completely wrong because the majority
of energy is the heat of vaporization.
Essence and Kullander's review of
E-Cat brought not really anything new:
one must still rely on the Rossi
not fiddled with the instruments, nor
cooling water.


There are too many uncertainties
E-Cat in order to
to believe that there is something more than a
scam, probably ultimately intended to get
into venture capital. This is now pretty
common ploy, not only in the energy sector
but subjects in areas such as IT and


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