I hope you are right, but whats' common in the Piantelli-
Focardi nad the Rossi processes?
And what is different?


On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The "Laws of Nature" contain all the physical laws in the universe. They
> are inseparable and invariant - all intertwined and working in perfect
> harmony. Each law has its specific duties. They create and guide the matter
> and energy of the universe. Every cubic inch of the universe contains all of
> nature’s physical laws.
> In the work of those who seek to take advantage of the Ni-H reaction:
> Piantelli, Rossi, Mills and others, the task of analysis is to separate out
> the factors that are related to engineering and those that are related to
> the fundamental laws in the universe.
> For example, the production of light is based on physical laws inseparable
> and invariant in the universe. And yet light can come from any number of
> separately engineered and distinct platforms: an incandescent bulb or a
> mercury vapor lamp, or a laser, or a star.
> But if we look deep enough the source of light is all the same.
> The same is true with gamma production in the Ni-H process. Gamma rays must
> come from the same universal origin no matter what the engineering
> peculiarities of that origin may be.
> In particular, it is reasonable to project the behavior of gamma production
> in the Piantelli and the Rossi systems behave the same.
> From this paper by Ficardi et al…
> *Evidence of electromagnetic radiation from Ni-H Systems*
> * *
> http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/FocardiSevidenceof.pdf**
> [snip] During the degassing period, the very first acquisition revealed a
> spectrum (Fig. 5) dramatically different from the background one. During
> some acquisition sequences sample temperature was changed in the range from
> 350 to 750K without any detectable variation in the spectrum.
> Samples were kept 52 days under vacuum before hydrogen admission in order
> to study extensively the photon emission. After this too prolonged
> treatment, the system did not produce energy. *It may be that the two
> phenomena, extended photon emission and energy production, are alternative,
> and mutually exclusive*.[/snip]
> The highlighted section may be a universal characteristic of gamma
> production common to all Ni-H implementations.
> In the same way as Ficardi  did, we must devise an array of tests to
> isolate and simplify physical mechanisms related to gamma emissions using
> simplified experiments to determine the physical basis of what is going on
> fundamentally in the Ni-H reaction as well as cold fusion in general.
> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:37 AM, Peter Gluck <peter.gl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Let's suppose that 100% of what Rossi tells is 105% true.
>> 100% of the time.
>> Then what about this:
>> " My process has nothing to do with the process of Piantelli,” Rossi
>> wrote. “The proof is that I am making operating reactors; he is not.” (New
>> Energy Times)
>> In this case it is an error to use the data of the
>> old Piantelli-Focardi cells for the E-cats. Deep mystery- a a patent can
>> be captured in it.
>> Peter
>> On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Here is “Evidence of electromagnetic radiation from Ni-H Systems”
>>> http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/FocardiSevidenceof.pdf
>>> Emissions derived from undefined nuclear reactions were detected in three
>>> successive experiments in a temperature range between 350 and 750 K.
>>> On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <
>>> a...@lomaxdesign.com> wrote:
>>>> At 12:12 AM 5/29/2011, Terry Blanton wrote:
>>>>> That's one heck of a frequency conversion!
>>>> No, it simply requires that the gammas be absorbed by the apparatus.
>>>> That, I believe, places an upper limit on the gamma energies, but I'm not
>>>> about to calculate it, and this would also depend on the shielding 
>>>> thickness
>>>> and the shielding material.
>>>> He implies that there is gamma radiation generated during the reaction,
>>>> which would point, by the way, to a scientific demonstration, showing a
>>>> nuclear reaction, but it's one he does not want to do, because all that has
>>>> to happen is for someone to measure the energy of those gammas, and the
>>>> E-Cat could be out of the bag.
>>>> Note that this demonstration would not rule out fraud. Fraud is very
>>>> difficult to rule out by any sort of supervised demonstration, which is why
>>>> I don't expect it to be ruled out until Rossi gets his patent protection.
>>>> It's really weird. If Rossi is a scammer, he is being *protected* by US
>>>> patent office refusal to grant patents, because it gives him a complete
>>>> excuse to not disclose what he's doing, completely.
>>>> Patents for something considered impossible should be issued. The patent
>>>> applicant pays all the cost of the examination, and the patent (all 
>>>> patents)
>>>> should clearly state that the practical operation of the device is not
>>>> guaranteed by the patent office. The argument that issuance of a patent is
>>>> some sort of seal of approval is preposterous, as to substance. All kinds 
>>>> of
>>>> patented stuff has been completely useless.
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania
>> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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