Whether by plan or chance, Greece was handed a major piece of leverage when 
they desperately needed
You can bet they are going to milk Defkalion for as much as they can get away 
with... It's the way
the game is played.

My bet is that Greece was able to convince its creditors (banks thruout Europe, 
and a large chunk
held by Germany and France) that it has THE energy of the future, and if the 
creditors will prop
them up a little longer, they'll begin to make good on the debt.  Greece HAS to 
make Defkalion
successful...  Which is another BIG reason why big Oil or OPEC won't be able to 
stop this from
making it to the market...


-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton [mailto:hohlr...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 5:45 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:Greece Could Use the ECat Now


Greece's Debt Rating Slashed, Making It World's Lowest
Published: Monday, 13 Jun 2011
By: Reuters

Standard & Poor's downgraded Greece's credit rating by three notches Monday, 
making it the world's
lowest after the agency said a likely debt restructuring would be considered a 

A restructuring of Greece's debt - either with a bond swap or by extending 
maturities on existing
bonds - looks increasingly likely to be imposed by European policymakers as a 
means of sharing the
burden of Greece's crisis with the private sector, S&P said in a statement.

"In our view, any such transactions would likely be on terms less favorable 
than the debt being
refinanced, which we, in turn, would view as a de facto default according to 
Standard & Poor's
published criteria," the agency said.

In such a case, S&P added, Greece's credit rating would be lowered to 
"selective default," or SD,
while the ratings on the country's debt instruments would be cut to D.


Information we have seen here indicates that Defkalion has connections to the 
Greek government and
has purchased a factory in Xanthi Prefecture.  But, the world must wait for the 
megawatt power plant
in October.  Can Greece afford to wait to October?  If the government is truly 
aware of what
Defkalion really has New Fire and exclusive rights in Eastern Hemisphere, would 
not they be
expediting the production of shippable product?  I would think that once the 
products start rolling
off the production line, all talk of a financial default would cease.
Anyone would be willing to buy a stake in Greece's future.  I know I would buy 
their bonds!


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