You summed it up quite well...

I think the overall concensus of those vorts who have discussed the e-Cat tests 
agree that the
dryness of the steam is a MAJOR source of concern and there are INADEQUATE 
explanations from the
Rossi camp as to that issue.  Steve was pushing hard to make sure that that 
issue was understood by
Levi/Rossi and an adequate explanation was returned.  I don't think he got what 
he, and most of us,

However, what I'd like to see now is some discussion from the collective about 
Levi's written
response, aside from its contentious nature, and to have fellow vorts answer 
these questions:

1) Does Levi,, understand the importance of the dry steam issue?
2) If the answer to #1 is YES, then do you feel that adequate care was taken in 
the tests we've seen
to establish that the steam was truly dry?
3) Has this recent exchange caused by Krivit's visit changed your opinion at 
all? Good or bad...


-----Original Message-----
From: Roarty, Francis X [] 
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Steve Krivit's initiative

OK, Everyone appears to be angry at Krivit but to be fair to the guy his line 
of questioning did
seem to get back directly to the point where we left it on Vortex - My 
recollection was that we
decided the steam measurement was an unreliable calculation but that the 
experiment with only a 5
degree increase in water temperature proved there was real thermal gain. Was 
this difference between
mass and volumetric methods of measuring steam energy already resolved? Levi 
and Rossi are reacting
like this was already abundantly clear but I really don't recall this issue as 
ever have been put to
bed. Did I miss something? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Akira Shirakawa []
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 11:39 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Steve Krivit's initiative

On 2011-06-17 16:22, Mark Iverson wrote:
> That's ridiculous... I highly doubt that Krivit did anything like 
> that... What is more likely is that Levi misunderstood something that 
> Krivit said due to the language barrier.  Steve mentioned in his report that 
> he felt Levi had
trouble understanding some elements of what he was saying.
> Interesting...

Regarding that, this an "open letter" (in English) from Giuseppe Levi to Steven 
Krivit that just got
posted on 22passi (I feel it might be subject to slight grammer/wording 
changes, so I'm not
copy/pasting it here). It appears that he is not pleased of Krivit's 
preliminary travel report too:

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