Just to reiterate, Stephen A. Lawrence <sa...@pobox.com> wrote:

> Rossi is citing actual, bona fide authorities in the relevant field such as
>> Dr. Galantini. That is a legitimate thing to do ...

> Not with a complete lack of cited data, not in any scientific forum.

Rossi made it very clear to me that this *would not be* a scientific forum.
That is why I stayed home. It was a journalistic forum. The ground rules are
different. Perhaps Rossi did not make that clear to Krivit.

Before you get on an airplane to visit someone, I recommend you discuss the

Naturally there are gradations here. A science journalist can legitimately
demand more explanations and more hard data information than a generalist
reporter who has never heard of "wet steam" or a "thermocouple."

As I said in the first message, it was reasonable for Krivit to ask for more
data from Levi. Unfortunately, it seems he asked in a manner that Levi found
insulting, or at least undiplomatic. I have spent a lot of time trying to
pry papers out of researchers, in order to upload them to LENR-CANR.org. It
is fine art. I have often failed to get the professor to cough up anything.

- Jed

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