Dear Friends,

It was a rather interesting week for the
E-cat, due to the steam dryness dispute
between Krivit and Rossi & Levi. We could see
that the E-cat has very sharp verbal claws
if infuriated.

*The visit has not put doubts on the functionality*
*of the E-cat, but raised serious questions*
*regarding its Market Readiness.(my opinion)*

This is, first of all the problem of the Defkalion
company and I hope that their press conference
from 23 June  will be well organized and we will
get a better and more optimistic vision about
the future of E-cat.They willbe in the frontline.
My deepest empathy for the Defkalion people,
they are at the interface of the E-cats and the
commercial reality.

It is Sunday, threfore please read the issu 460 of
my newsletter and please help it to achieve popularity.

A great space for discoveries, a lot of useful information.

I wish you a good Greek Week of the E-cat!

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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