At 12:44 PM 6/19/2011, Bastiaan Bergman wrote:

It *suggests* that Steven Chu was at the MIT meeting. But it clearly
*states* that he is looking at Cold Fusion. Anyone has a link
supporting the last claim?


Well, Bastian, you were there, right? Chu was not, right?

The report does state that Chu is looking at cold fusion, but it does not inform us how the reporter knows this. As such, it's poorly written. If the reporter knows this, but cannot give the source, then a reporter would normally so state.

"According to confidential sources, Steven Chu is looking at cold fusion."

Or whatever she could say. She was at the Colloquium, I believe that's the woman who was introduced as a reporter. She did not disclose anything to the group about Chu, but she may have done so privately.

Really, you'd have to ask her!

(Unless someone else has seen something from Chu. It would not be surprising if he's looking at LENR, after all, didn't the DoE twice recommend more research in this field, but what this means isn't clear.)

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