Yes, that's why I said 'supposed to be', which implied I didn't know whether it was one 2.5 kW unit, or all four running for a total of 10 kW.  In either case, we're still short steam...that's the point.  And the quality of the steam should be clear based on how it is exiting the hose - it's wet steam unless he's somehow filtering the steam.  Regardless, it's the steam, not the water, that does useful work, and there isn't much steam coming out of the hose.  Since it's not my technology, and I don't review advanced energy technologies for a living, it's not my concern beyond showing that what has been presented to date is inconclusive at best.  

What I WON'T do is pitch this as a valid technology to outside parties, and I have also alerted those who may be directly impacted by this technology to take a MUCH closer look, which at the moment Rossi will not allow.  So with that said, I have no further comment on this technology due to a lack of information beyond what has been presented to date, which again, remains inconclusive at best.  I'll check back in six months to see if anything has changed...fighting over which words are used in a forum post is a waste of time.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [Vo]:E-Cat vs. Water Heater for coffee/tea...
From: "Mark Iverson" <>
Date: Wed, June 22, 2011 12:09 pm
To: <>

You really shold take some time and fully verify your facts before accusing someone of fraud...
I believe that the e-Cat Krivit saw was only 2.5kW, not 10.

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