Fascinating stuff ... and more evidence that amateurs shouldn't diddle with 

Ch 1 has photos from videos
Ch 17 has equations and charts

I loved the names for some of the evaporator flow regions (inside the eCat) :  

Single-phase liquid | Bubbly | Plug | Slug | Wavy | Annular 

Different names for condenser sections (eg in the outlet hose) Low Velocity :

Annular mist | annular | annular with high stratification | wave | stratified

No wonder Rossi didn't want Krivit to look up the hose !

----- Original Message -----
> I found this sequence of illustrations videos for a liquid at only 5C,
> showing the characteristic 2 phase fluid vapor/liquid with different
> qualities. Notice that while the pressure is low, the expected mist
> just happen for higher pressure and higher steam quality.
> http://www.wlv.com/products/databook/db3/data/db3ch1.pdf
> http://www.wlv.com/products/databook/db3/data/db3ch17.pdf
> I still didn't read them yet, but I am giving everyone a head start
> anyway.

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