I am having trouble getting messages through. Here is one converted to

Here is an interesting comment from the forum. I think the direct link is:


I am going to go through all of the moderator's comments and assemble and
FAQ similar to the one we made for Rossi. I will also make a new "Special
Collection" for information on Defkalion and the eCat, because they are
eating up the News section.

- Jed

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Dave wrote:
I have a few questions for defkalion:

1) Do you use glycol as the main heating loop and water as the secondary
when testing the Hyperions?

2) Have you measured the input and output temperature as well as flow rate
for the glycol loop to determine the output heat energy?

3) Is there a phase change in any of the coolants when you run you tests?

4) Do you run a test on the Hyperions after they are assembled that includes
a thermal run away condition? Here I refer to output power being generated
while no input power is applied.

5) Is it possible for you to display to us the test data from a typical
power out/ power in run? I really would like to be able to calculate the
power out / power in for a unit being tested in your factory.

6) Will each Hyperion unit have its own calibration chart? What type of
information will be supplied on these charts?

Please forgive me if you have answered these questions in other threads.
There is a great number of posts being made and I have a difficult time
locating the ones from which I need information. Thank you for any response
you may present.


Here are the answeres to your questions:

1) Glycol (up to 195C) or other coolants for higher temperatures are in the
main closed heating loop cooling the reactor(s). Typically we test Hyperions
with external U-tube multi-pass or plate external heat exchangers where, in
most cases, water is in the secondary circuit.

2) Yes. We have answered already on the method and specs from the embedded
ultrasonic flow meter devises and thermometers we use as standard in all
Hyperions for calorimeter as part of the internal heat management system,
controled by their electronics.

3)We test Hyperions adjusted never to reach boiling point of any coolant in
use. There is change of phase when using certain melting salts as coolants
for high demanding applications that require temperature close to Hyperion's
max output (414C): at 60-85C such coolants change phase from solid to liquid
having boiling point higher than 1000C.

4) Quality and stress testing protocols on products are more demanding than
checking only this. The answer to your question is yes.

5) We will provide such graph and data with the specs sheets of products
before any release to the market. Then you can do your math having all the
rest of the information you will need to check.

6) Yes, there are more than one calibration charts for each product kept in
product support database. These include calibration results of every
subsystem or component related with its functionality, stability and safety,
not just general calibration on performance.

Thank you for your questions and your patience

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