People wonder why Levi has not given out more information about the 18-hour
flowing water test. I wish he would publish a detailed report listing the
type of flowmeter and so on. It is annoying to me that he has not.

I expect Levi and the others consider that test irrefutable. So do I. If I
had been there observing that test, I would have glanced at the outlet
thermocouple reading, put my hand on the outlet hose for a moment, and then
I would have been 100% absolutely certain there is massive excess heat. I
would have had zero doubt, to 5 significant digits. No matter how far off
the flow meter or input power meter may be, you could not get a temperature
difference large enough to feel unless there is tremendous excess heat. A
quick glance at the flow rate and the size of the inlet electric wire would
have told me that the temperature difference from input power cannot be more
than 0.1°C no matter what.

I would have dismissed any questions about that result as amateur
foolishness. I expect that is how Levi feels. It would be like this

Guy drives car into repair shop. Tells mechanic: "Something is wrong with my
car. It doesn't steer straight."

MECHANIC: "That's 'cause you got a flat tire. Your right front's flat."

GUY: "Are you sure that's the problem?"

MECHANIC: "!@$%## Of course I'm friggin' sure!"

To take another imaginary example, a guy gives me today's weather report in
Japanese, which happens to be:


I tell him it is for northern Kyushu and it says beware of heat-stroke.

GUY: "Are you sure this is a weather report and not a love letter or
something about an insurance claim?"

ME: "Of course I'm sure, you nitwit! I was translating stuff like this 20
years before you were born."

Rossi's attitude towards Krivit is similar. In the video, Rossi did a rough
approximation of the heat balance on a paper chart. I am sure that result is
correct as far as it goes. I expect it is no more than 10% or 20% off. That
has no effect on the overall conclusion. This is fundamental physics going
back hundreds of years, long before they invented RH meters. The heat of
vaporization of water at ~1 atm is fixed. That is definitely steam coming
out the end of the pipe. The blabber that Krivit raised and that has been
repeated here about RH meters is irrelevant even if it is is true -- which I

Rossi may have over-reacted to the criticism. I could have told you he
would. No one is perfect, and he tends to be thin-skinned. Krivit probably
knows this, and may have provoked him. (Ya' think?) I sympathize with Rossi.
It is irritating when an amateur lectures you about a subject you know far
better than he does. You can be darn sure that Rossi knows more about heat
than Krivit does. Or than I do. He may not know much about RH meters but he
never claimed to. You don't need one to measure enthapy when you are only
aiming to make a rough approximation.

- Jed

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