I expect this report is exaggerated or confused. NASA is not charged with
authority to devise a program to make cold fusion "the main energy source
for the world." That is far beyond their mandate. Heck, they don't even have
rockets anymore.

I wonder if it was Rossi who claimed that NASA is doing this. It is a little
unclear from this report who said what.

In this report, Rossi's statements about some technical details differ
substantially with the statements made by Defkalion on their web site and
web-site forum. For example, Rossi claims there are 300 cells in a 1 MW
Defkalion Hyperion reactor. Defkalion says there are 100 cells in a 3 MW
prototype. I think Rossi and the people at Defkalion should sit down and
review the designs, and they should publish accurate information in
agreement from both sides.

- Jed

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