RE: The evidence for nano-powder welding as one of Rossi’s secrets is strong
but circumstantial in the 10kw unit whose reaction vessel volume is 1 liter.

In one recent demo of the 10-kw Cat-e, a short output power excursion
occurred where the  input output ratio went over 1600 during the 130 kW

This extreme intensity of this output power excursion is conclusive proof
that the nano-powder must be coated evenly over the entire surface area of
the reaction vessel walls.

If this extreme burst of power was concentrated in a 100 gram pile of nickel
nano-powder that pile would have surely liquefied and burnt a hole in the
reaction vessel wall upon which it sat.

Unless the 100 grans of nickel nano-powder was evenly distributed over the
entire surface of the reaction vessel, the burn-through of the reaction
vessel is certain.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> The evidence for nano-powder welding as one of Rossi’s secrets is strong
> but circumstantial in the 10kw unit whose reaction vessel volume is 1 liter.
> First, the 100 gram pure nickel nano-powder fills only 1% of the volume of
> this one liter reaction vessel. This small amount of powder cannot be
> “packed” in such a large volume. A 100 gram pile of nano-powder would form a
> small clump at the bottom of the reaction vessel.
> If all the heat came from this small 100 gram pile of powder, the pile
> would burn a hole in the reaction vessel through the formation of a very hot
> spot.
> Second, Rossi said that the powder can reach a temperature of 1600C. Nickel
> Nano-powder will melt and/or degrade well below this melting point (1000C?)
> of the bulk material at 1350C.
> Third, the ash of the Rossi reactor he gave to the Swedes contains 10% iron
> that Rossi said was not produced through the action of transmutation from
> the reaction,,, but was produced by “scrubbing”; a Rossi quote.
> Forth, the nuclear heat that will have been produced by a pile of
> nano-powder throughout the entire though minuscule volume of this powder
> will be poorly conducted through that volume.
> This is caused by the randomized surface structures and associated
> protuberances and irregularities of each nano-powder particle. This
> porcupine like tubules will keep the surfaces of each nano-particle from
> mating flush with its neighbors to make efficient transfer of heat
> impossible to all the surrounding walls of the reaction vessel; in sum, any
> heat conduction through the volume of such a powder will be very poor.
> By contrast in support of the powder coating case, Rossi is using tubercles
> to increase the cross-section of his reaction well over what can be produced
> in a well ordered smooth nickel lattice. A tubercle is atomic mound of
> randomized topology created on the metal’s surface. Rossi is using these
> tubercles to disrupt the regularity of the nickel lattice to increase the
> strength of the atomic bonds of the nickel atoms.
> When there is a lattice defect on the surface of a lattice, the
> coordination number (CN) of the atoms that form the defect decreases. As a
> result, the remaining atomic bonds shorten and deform; this increases the
> strength of the remaining bonds of the nickel atoms on the walls in and
> around the tubercles.
> These atomic CN imperfections induce bond contraction and the associated
> bond-strength gain deepens the potential well of the trapping in the surface
> skin. This CN reduction also produces an increase of charge density, energy,
> and mass of the enclosed hydrogen contained in the relaxed surface skin
> imperfection. This increased density is far higher than it normally would be
> at other sites inside the solid.
> Because of this energy densification, surface stress and tension that is in
> the dimension of energy density will increase in the relaxed region of the
> disruption lattice bonds.
> For example, when a nickel wall lattice phonon wave breaks upon the surface
> imperfection, it is amplified by the abrupt discontinuity in the lattice and
> is concentrated by the increased bond-order-length-strength (BOLS) of the
> nickel atoms that form the walls of the cavity.
> His phonon behavior is highly improbable is a simple pile of nano-powder.
> This tight coupling allows the thermodynamic feedback mechanism to control
> and mediate the reaction. It also amplifies and focuses the compressive
> effects that phonons have on the hydrogen (Rydberg atoms) contained in the
> lattice defects. These defects increase the intensity of the electron
> screening because of the increased bond tension inside the defects.
> Nano-defects are very tough. This toughness and associated resistance to
> melting and stress is conducive to the production of high pressure inside
> the defect.
> Rossi has stated that his temperature of his nano-powder can reach 1600C
> before it melts. Nano-powder usually melts well below the 1350c melting
> point of bulk nickel in a regular lattice. This revelation informs us how
> much Rossi has increased the strength and available atomic bond tension in
> his nano-powder.
> The smaller the dimensions of the lattice surface defect, the greater is
> the multiplier on the hardness and the resistance to stress compared to the
> smooth bulk material.  These multiplier factors can range from 3 to 10
> based on the properties of the bulk material.
> Multilayer sites that penetrate down through many lattice layers are more
> resilient than surface defects. There toughness is proportional to their
> detailed topology and therefore not generally determined.
> There is a certain minimum size which one reached reduces the hardness of
> the nano-defect site. This size is on the order of less than 10 nanometers.
> If you are interested in this subject read this paper for more theoretical
> background:
> In steadfast service to our community;
> Axil
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 5:04 PM, ecat builder <>wrote:
>> Hi Axil: As usual, very interesting.. and way over my head.. Dimpling
>> and bringing something up to the temperature of melting stainless
>> steel is beyond my ability.. but hopefully others are listening and
>> can try..
>> I'm not sure that powder coating the reactor wall is required to get
>> transmutation. Exactly how much Ni powder is in a reactor is
>> undisclosed, but in the presumably reviewed by Rossi paper
>> (30% of Ni transmutes
>> to Cu) it says “One hundred grams of nickel powder can power a 10 kW
>> unit for a minimum of six months”. How do you put 100 grams of Ni on
>> the surface of the 50cm3 reactor wall? Maybe a rolled tube of material
>> powder coated with Ni. For manufacturing purposes, some kind of
>> mass-produced roll of material seems plausible.. but again, Rossi
>> showed a sample of Nickel powder that had been used in a reaction...
>> and I assume it wasn't scraped off the reactor.
>> I don't expect I can get Rossi level results, but I would be thrilled
>> if I or anyone could get a few measurable degrees difference, or some
>> other type of confirmation that transmutation is occurring. For now,
>> my pile of Ni powder in steel wool is all I can do.. but would be
>> happy to accept any Ni samples that might have tubercles on them!
>> As far as lithium and potassium catalysts, does that mean just raw K
>> or Li or should I use KH or LiH? Or something else?
>> Thanks for your insight.
>> - Brad

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