>From Rich,

> -- being sincerely wrong is a really profound learning process.

Indeed it is. I don't know if Rossi is sincerely wrong about his eCats
or not. I don't know if "believers" of Rossi's claims are also
sincerely wrong about their assessments of the claims either. But the
same thing can be levied against Rossi's critics.

Just keep in mind that being sincerely right about one's personal
convictions is no different than later learning that one was sincerely
wrong. The key point being: "sincerely". I should know.

As previously stated, I've had to admit to myself that I really know
whose right and who is wrong. Admitting the fact that "I don't know"
strikes me as a far more sincere confession to make under current

Hopefully we will all learn valuable lessons -- in all due course.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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