Well since this breakup information finally comes from Rossi himself, the
earlier press release was apparently not a forgery. 

At any rate, it would be easy to misinterpret what this E-Cat breakup means,
but it clearly means that Rossi does not realize that DGT may know his
all-important "secret." They have said as much. It may also mean that "Rossi
has been had." 

For the benefit of those not conversant with US slang - this means that the
breakup was based on an illusion, and was actually engineered by Defkalion
in order to preserve funds for their own MW demonstration. 

After all, there is are 100,000,000 reasons why this breakup could hurt
Rossi more than help him. And the converse is true for DGT.

Or rather, to be accurate we should say - either Defkalion is a sham and
completely dishonest- or else they have effectively reverse engineered his
device; and thereafter they have concocted this breakup scheme - since AR
adamantly claims that DGT have received NO devices, nor do they know the

Defkalion, OTOH claim to have a MW unit in testing now - probably in Cyprus.
The "Xanthi" plant is most likely a red herring, or else it was specifically
set up to obtain EEC 'ecology funds' which were not forthcoming. That is
another story which is just now coming out.

Apparently, there is no indication from visitors to the Xanthi site that
there is anything going on in that location to indicate that production or a
demonstration is planned. It was a complete diversion, apparently. Rossi may
have known that there was nothing going on there and based his decision on
this fact.

This probably means that all of DGTs efforts, if they are really 'players'
and not liars, are taking place at another site, most likely in Cyprus ...
or else of course, that they are complete frauds.

Rossi probably thinks that they are completely fraudulent, which could be
the case, we simply do not know at this stage - but there is another way of
looking at the dynamics of this situation.

My preliminary hypothesis (based on too-little information)

1)      Defkalion are basically clever opportunists who found Rossi at the
right time and provided some initial funding.
2)      They may have ties to the Russian government.
   3) The reverse-engineering of E-Cat could have been done in Russia. IOW
they got hold of at least one E-Cat unit (possibly by illegal means) and had
it reversed engineered by a technology powerhouse, but Rossi does not know
   4)They want to avoid any further payment to Rossi and conserve funds for
their own product line
   5) With their superior engineering support, they could have advanced the
technology well beyond Rossi.
   6) The clever part is that they set up a 'sting' to make it look like it
is "Rossi's call" on the breakup, and that DGT will suffer in the end - when
in fact, it was a well conceived deception from the start.
   7) An almost perfect double scam ? This is not ruled out, since AR thinks
they do not know the secret.

Time will tell. 

Actually, as for predictions for the next few months, I am looking for TWO
separate demos this fall - possibly one by Rossi in November (in the USA) -
but possibly one by DGT earlier - perhaps in October, but most likely not in

I hear that Nicosia is nice in the fall <g>


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