On 2011-08-07 16:18, Jones Beene wrote:
Well since this breakup information finally comes from Rossi himself, the
earlier press release was apparently not a forgery.

At any rate, it would be easy to misinterpret what this E-Cat breakup means,
but it clearly means that Rossi does not realize that DGT may know his
all-important "secret." They have said as much. It may also mean that "Rossi
has been had."

I found this very interesting comment by Daniele Passerini on his 22passi blog in the comment section of his latest post, which could partially explain what's going on. I Google-translated the parts in Italian:

* * *

Source short URL: http://goo.gl/osVkR

This is the text of an anonymous email (and as such I have so far declined to 
publish it) that dates back to early July and I had a roundabout way. I think 
she trusted, even if they do not know the source. From them it appears:
1) that the Defkalion is in line to the development of Ni-H technology than 
previously stated;
2) that proceed in the development of reactors regardless Rossi long ago.
After this email, I had pre-warned ... a series of reports from disparate 
sources, which confirm each other, I was led to predict a dramatic outcome of 
the report by August Defkalion Rossi. I was also told that Rossi had to have 
found a new partner in the U.S., much better than greek. And today, by 
surprise, it's little 'bit of the announcement that we have read.

Here's the email in early July of the above:

Defkalion has delivered several prototype reactors to the Greek Min. of 
Environment and Energy. The Ministry is preparing to license the equipment for 
use in the EU. They have done extensive testing of the performance and also to 
check for nuclear safety. This is a 4-part test regime costing millions of 
dollars. The first and most difficult phase was successful completed a couple 
of weeks ago. The other 3 parts should be finished at the end of the year. They 
will have to be completed or the machines cannot be licensed or sold. All of 
the government test procedures and results will have to be made public as part 
of the licensing procedure, and will be published by Defkalion as soon as the 
Ministry gives permission.

Documents describing the test regime are available in Greek. I am trying to get 
them translated. These tests are thorough. The Greek government is 
dysfunctional and in deep trouble, but the engineers and scientists in their 
nuclear agencies are as professional and competent as the colleagues elsewhere 
in the EU or the U.S. There is no chance they have done months of testing and 
somehow they were fooled or bamboozled into thinking the machines are inputting 
450 W and outputting 20 to 30 kW. That is out of the question. Defkalion has 
reactors ranging from kilowatt to megawatt ranges. All have been tested.

The tests being performed by Rossi, Levi and the others in Italy have nothing 
to do with Defkalion. The people at Defkalion know less about Rossi's tests 
than I do. Their equipment, and the equipment at the Greek testing agencies, is 
the best that money can buy, and far better than anything Rossi uses. Their 
reactors are also far better than his. They licensed the technology from him 
years ago, and improved it beyond recognition. They have dozens of experts and 
hundreds of millions of dollars, and a board of directors that would be 
suitable for any Fortune 500 company, with extensive experience in industry.

At this point I would say that there is a trade war (and perhaps more) in 
progress: only look for some cargo choppy waves on the sea surface and 
submarine fleets do not see many nationalities who are opposed to the depths 
unseen. This is why I repeat and I never tire of repeating to those who still 
are not convinced that we are dealing with new technologies, new energy 
sources, new physical principles with applications beyond our imagination, 
which only makes the mistake of not put together all the pieces of the puzzle 
... or is in connection with those who fly under water, but this is a 
borderline case! ;)


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