At 12:31 PM 8/7/2011, Terry Blanton wrote:
From Defkalion web page:

Company Structure
Praxen Defkalion Green Technologies (Global) Ltd., is based in Cyprus;
it owns the contract signed with the inventor regarding the industrial
secret with right of first refusal to sell globally except the US.



It surely implies that Rossi gave up the sauce recipe.

Nope. It "implies" a contract with the inventor regarding the "industrial secret." It does not state that the secret was disclosed. I'd guess that the the contract provided for disclosure at some time.

If the secret *was* disclosed, Rossi may have a stronger case to sue them if they market a device based on that secret. But what if they, with a crash research program, or otherwise, discovered something *better*?

They would then have an albatross, their contract with Rossi. Being highly skilled business people, possibly not above some "manipulation," and being able to see quite clearly who Mr. Rossi was, they pushed his buttons in the right way to induce him to cancel the contract.

Like shooting fish in a barrel, or taking candy from a baby.

Reading some of Rossi's boasts about what would happen if "interests," he called them "snakes," tried to cheat him, he was making a very old mistake. If you are the fastest gun in the west, and really!, you don't brag about it, because it will encourage challenges and sooner or later, you will slip. And it only takes one slip, and it's over.

I kept wondering why Rossi was talking on his blog at all. It wasn't helping him, it was a waste of his very valuable time, if he was going to deliver. The answer would be psychological. And the more Rossi did it, the more visible were his vulnerabilities. He might as well have said, "If you want me to do X, push this button." Rossi could have and should have delegated response there to someone he trusted.

If he trusts anyone!

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