Better to invite Rossi to make a complete public confession -- then he can
start making the runs of blogs, TV talk shows, lectures, videos, books,
feature movies -- this is a potential bonanza, a ton of fun, while setting a
good example for  all humanity --  would add to public interest in and
openness to cold fusion  and other challenging frontiers of research.

Shaming, blaiming, and punishing people for mistakes increases the fear
level in society and thus increases the level of defensiveness, impairing
communication and collaboration, and increasing secrecy, confusion,
deception, and selfishness.

We are free to exercise out inborn right to the glory of infinite
creativity, for each is all of single entire unified creative fractal

Within mutual service, Rich Murray   505-819-7388

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 2:14 AM, Craig Dec <> wrote:

> **
> In the who-done-it forensics of placing the smoking gun of fraud,
> deliberate or unintentional, in Rossi's hands it seems every attempt has
> come up one gram shy.
> We've got blood spatter evidence all over the place, powder burns on his
> hands and the place is piled high with corpses.
> But where's that smoking gun??
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