This is the same hypothesis that the Brightsen model of the nucleus makes and proposes that there is dark matter bound in some nuclei.

--On Monday, August 15, 2011 8:49 AM -0400 Terry Blanton <> 

( -- One of the biggest unsolved problems in astrophysics
is that galaxies and galaxy clusters rotate faster than expected,
given the amount of existing baryonic (normal) matter. The fast orbits
require a larger central mass than the nearby stars, dust, and other
baryonic objects can provide, leading scientists to propose that every
galaxy resides in a halo of (as yet undetectable) dark matter made of
non-baryonic particles. As one of many scientists who have become
somewhat skeptical of dark matter, CERN physicist Dragan Slavkov
Hajdukovic has proposed that the illusion of dark matter may be caused
by the gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum.

"The key message of my paper is that dark matter may not exist and
that phenomena attributed to dark matter may be explained by the
gravitational polarization of the quantum vacuum," Hajdukovic told "The future experiments and observations will reveal if
my results are only (surprising) numerical coincidences or an embryo
of a new scientific revolution."

Like his previous study featured on PhysOrg

 about a cyclic universe successively dominated by matter and
antimatter, Hajdukovic's paper on a dark matter alternative is also an
attempt to understand cosmological phenomena without assuming the
existence of unknown forms of matter and energy, or of unknown
mechanisms for inflation and matter-antimatter asymmetry. In the case
of the fast rotational curves of galaxies, he explains that there are
currently two schools of understanding the phenomenon.

"The first school invokes the existence of dark matter, while the
second school invokes modification of our law of gravity," he said. "I
suggest a third way, without introducing dark matter and without
modification of the law of gravity."

His ideas (like those in the previous paper) rest on the key
hypothesis that matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive,
which is due to the fact that particles and antiparticles have
gravitational charge of opposite sign. (Though like matter, antimatter
is gravitationally attractive with itself.) Currently, it is not known
whether matter and antimatter are gravitationally repulsive, although
a few experiments (most notably, the AEGIS experiment at CERN) are
testing related concepts.

"Concerning gravity, mainstream physics assumes that there is only one
gravitational charge (identified with the inertial mass) while I have
assumed that, as in the case of electromagnetic interactions, there
are two gravitational charges: positive gravitational charge for
matter and negative gravitational charge for antimatter," Hajdukovic


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