My dear Friends

It is my weekly pleasure to send you my INFORMAVORE’s SUNDAY- this time no

with a rather sad mini-editorial in it, plus a few words in addition to

This will be an interesting event or a very interesting non-event. So many
E-cats working

together is Flea Circus Management problem. The Complex has to be very well

otherwise it will be like a negative orgy of multitasking.

A good demo is like a good preach, I remember reading what a famous pastor
told: “First, I

tell them what I will say them in the preach. Then I say it. When finished,
I explain them what

 I have told. Then, I sit down.”

It is about openness, thre times openness- the demo has to be described
before starting it,

including the expected results. Then it has to be done, fast smooth start,
to continue to function

a decent period of time, 5 to 8 hours seems to be a minimum, with clear
continuous display

of the main parameters: energy in, energy out the first much smaller than
the second- no

disturbing variations and a smooth, perfectly controlled shut-down.

If I remember my work in great plants (in 3 shifts) with so many things to
take care, with

attention not only distributed but broken n small parts I am developing a
kind of empathy for

Rossi's problems.. If he succeeds to get technological control and
functional discipline

four such a great group of Ecats, he will demonstrate us that he is not only
a genius but

also a witch as great as Albus Dumbledore.

Yours as always,


Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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