When is a PLC not a PLC?

Horace, et al have mentioned the noise generated by the control box.
Originally, we thought AR's mention of a PLC meant "programmable logic
controller" which made no sense since (holy homonym, batman!) there
was no feedback loop.  Now that we find that Red really meant
"programmable lighting controller" it all makes much more cents :)

The noise characteristic of the PCM circuit verses a triac based
circuit is much different:


While we have all had a problem wrapping our heads around just why you
need to maintain the "heater" input, it just could be that it's not
the heat that the reactor needs.  LENRs have oft' been stimulated by
various external sources.  Just what if we find that there is a
phononic resonance in the crystalline structure of nickel which
corresponds to the output of a gated 50 Hz mains wave.

Wouldn't that be bizarre?


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