Am 04.09.2011 09:59, schrieb Peter Heckert:
Am 03.09.2011 22:59, schrieb Jed Rothwell:

This event was irrefutable proof of a massive, self-sustaining nuclear reaction. Mizuno has never had any doubt whatever about that.
This is not the point.
Miracles might exist, and you can find many honored and clever persons that have seen them and witness them. It might be absolutely true, but if it cannot be repeated, it is not science. Remember, quantum physics has room for miracles. It is statistically possible that unlikely events can happen.
It is however impossible that unlikely events can be repeated over and over.
Unlikely events can be true and they can happen, but even when witnessed and proven, they are not scientific proofs. There are even many serious scientists that believe in miracles, but they dont claim their believes to be science
A miracle, even if well documented and witnessed is not a proof.
An irrefutable proof is when it can be repeated at will.

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