Am 09.09.2011 22:28, schrieb Peter Gluck:
Thanks for the answers.
We have to use statistics to draw false conclusions from true/real data but nothing can help in order to draw good conclusions from false or imaginary data. If they are contradictory even worse.
There is one constant data. Rossi repeats over and over to present the 1MW plant at end of october and to present his theory. He repeats this mantra 100 times each hour ;-) The statistics is easy ;-)

NASA and Bushnell have not tested Piantelli's method, they have never written to him and it is also not sure that NASA is Rossi's Great American Partner.
I have repeatedly found on the web that they used the Piantelli method to test the Widom Larsen theory. It is clear, there are no evident scientific results ready to publish now. You will not find any official that confirms inpublic to be working on that. I dont think they want to repeat Fleischmann & Pons failure and give it into the media before it is ready and seriously scientifically published. If Rossi will win, then he will win and other persons that did not contribute will not win much from this. If Rossi looses then all will loose. Even the passive observers will be blamed and ridiculed.
So nobody else than Rossi and Focardi has a chance to win something.
Why should anybody take the risk and make official statements and to be ridiculed later?

Rossi is the most unpredictable individual I ever met on the Web.
You can see at my blog that I am fond of interestingness
but NOT this kind of interestingness.

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 11:09 PM, Peter Heckert < <>> wrote:

    Am 09.09.2011 20:24, schrieb Peter Gluck:
    How could they know that it was air in the reactor? I
    Dont know. You must ask them. Maybe it was open and exposed to air
    long before, or they asked Rossi.

    If it was how can 50 cc air be transforrned in a small
    At 20 bar pressure 50 cc compresses to 2.5 cc.

    Why does noiw Rossi say he is flushing too?
    We dont know. It makes sense to do that, even if not necessary,
    because eliminating unknown and unneeded factors is always good.
    Maybe he got the idea just now, from the question ;-)
    Ask Rossi. He will say: Cannot give information about the the
    reactor ;-)

    Lack of reliable, serious data. Or the additive (not catalyst)
    can be molecular sieves?
    There is not much information in Rossis Forum. Rossi repeats his
    mantra over and over in the forum and shows that he is still alive.
    NASA and Bushnell should know more. They had already tested the
    Piantelli experiments, and if they are still working with Rossi,
    there must be something behind, but they dont want to tell us now
    Maybe they obfuscate it by purpose.

    Kullander and Essen could know, in case they have received a real
    cell with the original core material for
    analysis- but I doubt, how could they find natural isotopic
    distribution of Ni and Cu?
    Dont know. Dont know if they found something else. If yes, then
    they might not want to make it public now in the media and must
    investigate this scientifically. Maybe they all smoke something ;-)



    On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Peter Heckert
    < <>> wrote:

        Kullander and Essen reported, that the reactor was not flushed.
        Page 2 , "Startup":
        "The air of atmospheric pressure was remaining in the
        container as a small impurity."

        Am 09.09.2011 06:18, schrieb Peter Gluck:
        I have found this as interesting too, because Rossi has
        repeatedly suggested that his system can tolerate air in
        contact with the core material:

            Andrea Rossi
            September 4th, 2011 at 3:17 PM

            Dear Alan De Angelis:
            We have to purge also.
            Warm Regards,

            Alan DeAngelis
            September 4th, 2011 at 1:33 PM

            Dear Ing. Rossi:
            I’m just curious. When organic chemists do catalytic
            hydrogenations (with palladium, nickel, et cetera) in a
            shaker they
            first purge air out of the system by cycling back and
            forth between vacuum (with a vacuum pump) and hydrogen
            several times before they finally pressurize with
            hydrogen. Do you do this with the E-Cat or do you just
            blow the air out with some hydrogen and go straight to
            the pressurization? (Don’t feel obliged to answer this
            if it would reveal too much about the process.)

            All the best,
            Alan DeAngelis

            According to Piantelli (see WO 2010/058288 for example)
            deep degassing is a sine qua non condition of
            success/reproducibility  because gas molecules adsorbed
            on the active clusters compete with hydrogen.


        On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 3:44 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent
        Johnson <
        <>> wrote:

            Jed sez:

            > Alan: Thanks again for monitoring Rossi's blog.

            It's a dirty job and Alan is the right man to do it.

            I ditto Jed's sentiments.

            Thanks, Alan.

            Steven Vincent Johnson

-- Dr. Peter Gluck
        Cluj, Romania

-- Dr. Peter Gluck
    Cluj, Romania

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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