I agree you must alter the way matter reacts to the quantum flux but I
remain convinced you must do this while transitioning between changes in
quantum flux density - If energy density is not varying you don't qualify
for the relativistic effects which we need to exploit. I agree with your
synopsis of the equal and opposing forces as the VP wink into and out of our
3d plane. I would however expand your synopsis to include the Heisenberg
uncertainty principle where the cancelling forces do not occur
simultaneously but rather cancels out over a short time period such that
chaotic motion of gas is explained. We have been told these imbalances occur
on such a tiny scale of space and time that Maxwell's demon is mechanically
impossible to implement. I happen to disagree with this assumption based on
our shared relativistic concept that longer wavelength vacuum energy is not
really displaced by Casimir suppression, but rather time itself varies with
energy density whenever it is reduced (or increased) such that a tiny
observer inside a specific  Casimir geometry would still see the full
wavelength while from his perspective that same wavelength would appear
shorter or longer in surrounding regions where the cavity geometry changes.
Notice that the tapestry of different Casimir geometries are all far lower
than the density we experience at the macro scale and therefore  all
dilations would be accelerated instead of the more familiar retarded
dilation where the Paradox Twin remains young relative to us. Notice also
that our relativistic perspective amplifies the total energy available
through time dilation.  The  gas atoms  migrating through these dilation
zones are blissfully unaware of their temporal space time translations and
provide only the opportunity to exploit the differences between these
stationary - adjacent regions of different energy density. I say "only" the
opportunity because the translations themselves will seek to be conservative
unless we do something to make the translations asymmetrical like
translating between densities as atoms in one circumstance while translating
as molecules for another.



You also mentioned the analogy of stationary wind to the motion of
electromagnetic radiation which I think needs to be examined slightly
differently. Electromagnetic radiation exists  in our 3D plane can explain
solar cell collectors or even driving a tiny space elevator up a tether but
you are still utilizing a standard source of directional energy. Virtual
particles form a stream on the time axis but schemes that just try to put up
sail between 3d matter and this stream won't work - the stream is normally
isotropic or varies at a slow gravitational gradient. To exploit the stream
we need to utilize Casimir geometry to create an abrupt break in this
isotropy where we are left with numerous stationary inertial frames similar
to gravitational wells but with abrupt gradients formed by the geometry. An
object inside the cavity inherits an equivalent gravitational energy
courtesy of the geometry such that two tiny stationary observers displaced
by only a few nanometers can be experiencing different levels of
gravitational acceleration. 





From: Wm. Scott Smith [mailto:scott...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 12:51 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com; Francis Roarty; Fran Roarty
Subject: Asymmetry Reaction is the key


In my more recent work, I am  not talking about altering the Quantum Vacuum
itself; rather, I am trying to alter the way matter reacts to the


Granted, the expanding circle of the virtual photons as it winks-in is
expanding in all directions, but it can only be pushing on a particular
object in just one direction! But of course, the real problem is that
different  virtual photons are pushing equally on all sides of an object in
equally in force but in opposite directions.


Of course, if we were talking about using ambient "stationary" air pressure,
it would take just as much- or more- energy to reduce the pressure on one
side of an object than might be obtained from the resulting unbalanced
forces. Fortunately, we are not dealing with air, but with electromagnetic
radiation.  The major difference is this, the only part of the flux that
exerts any pressure on any material is those few vp's that wink-in
immediately adjacent or even overlapping the surface of the material. As we
have noted, the same flux is incident on opposite sides of an object,
creating equal and opposite forces.


There are at least five ways that we might potentially make objects that
have asymmetric interactions with the equal but opposite radiation pressure
that acts on two opposite sides of an object.


For example, a radiometer is bathed in equal but (rotationally) opposite
light sources, and all applied forces are equal and opposite; in other
words, the absorbing light imparts the same amount of momentum as it strikes
the one side of the radiometer as the reflecting light as it first strikes
the opposite side of the radiometer. 


Here is where the net force comes from: on the one hand, absorbed radiation
is always re-emitted as Black Body Radiation according to the temperature of
a body; therefore, as long as we have good heat transfer between the two
sides,both sides will re-emit the same amount of originally absorbed
energy---even though most of this originally-absorbed energy was originally
collected on the one, more-absorbent side.  Therefore, the absorbed
radiation is re-emitted fairly equally in opposite directions so it
contributes zero net force.


On the other hand, the reflected light rebounds (mostly) from one side only,
so its rebound force is mostly unopposed, thus leaving us with a net force.
Again, the applied forces are equal and opposite, but the object's reaction
to these applied objects is asymmetrical.


Now this does not prove that we can do such a thing with the Q-flux, but
merely proves that the omni-directional, uniform nature of the Q-flux is not
necessarily an insurmountable obstacle.


Materials with negative refraction are likely to be attracted to the source
of incident light instead of being pushed away from the source, as is
usually seen. Again, this does not prove that we can do this with the Q-flux
in practice, except in principle. Again, it is the axial Lorentz force that
imparts the "momentum" of mass-less light to matter; again, we would not be
altering the q-flux itself, but we would be altering the manners in which at
least one side interacted  with the Q-flux, as compared with the opposite
side. In other words, one side would be pulled on by certain frequencies of
the Q-flux while the opposite side was pushed-on by the normal radiation
pressure of the same frequencies. The pressures wavelengths between 9 and 10
nm is greater than atmospheric pressure. We have had mirrors that reflect
x-rays at very shallow angles for many years, so even tapping just photons
at very shallow angles gives us a lot of pressure to work with.


The small size of these wavelengths is not as daunting as they first appear.
For example, high quality lenses are coated with a refractive coating that
is only 0.25 wavelengths thick. They bend incident light that is approaching
the lens at too shallow an angle, so that it passes through the lens at a
more-perpendicular angle so as to not reflect off the surface of the lens to
create glare inside the space in front of the lens. One nm is 10 typical
atoms across; therefore, atoms are still small enough to work with at these
scales, yet the quantum forces are great enough to be potentially very
useful. Even hard x-rays are refracted by atoms that are 10 times larger
than their wavelength (0.01nm.)





From: froarty...@comcast.net
To: scott...@hotmail.com
CC: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Fran & Group: Please Reconsider the following
pointTime-Frame-Based Casimir Effect
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 19:56:41 -0400


  I am not saying the perpendicularity prevents these virtual photons from 

exerting real forces - only that the forces divide equally between the 3
spatial axis unless you use another body or field that interacts with the
photon in an asymmetrical manner -like tacking a sail boat to derive a
different vector from the ambient wind direction by utilizing a rudder and
centerboard between wind and wave. My issue with Vtec is that it seems like
you are trying to pick yourself up by your hair - the forces you propose to
exploit are sourced and sinked in the same v shaped geometry.


That said I do agree these growing and contracting spheres do represent
motion but they impart force equally into our spatial plane. I think gas
motion is a perfect example of how these chaotic occurrences equal out to
supply random forces that keeps gases expanded but without any specific
spatial bias - just pressure. I don't think you can reuse the same object
that creates the pressure to steer itself.





Wm. Scott Smith
Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:57:05 -0700

I agree that we can view virtual photons as expanding through our lower 

dimensional 3-di "Plane" I think of this expansion in terms of a photon 

"traveling" half a wavelength then disappearing. From any standpoint the 

Quantum Photon Flux is imparting momentum to matter (or else it doesn't


Furthermore, if we consider a photon flux from 3-space through 2-space, it

as you say, a dot appears to expand into a circle, then contract again into

dot and disappear.When a 4 or 4+ space sends photons through our 3-space,

these appearing-disappearing circles intersect every possible plane in our 


I really don't see why this perpendicularity prevents these photons from 

exerting real forces in the many ways that have been attributed to the

Flux.  If you accept that there is an electromagnetic Q-Flux then you must 

acknowledge the possibility that it exerts radiation pressure on matter. If 

this is true, then my various proposals are very plausible.

Incidentally, light in a medium other than space moves slow, yet imparts

momentum to a mirror that is located inside the medium; therefore, even a 

stationary photon may impart momentum to an adjacent surface in the

of its propagation, since its action on matter is due to the transverse 

movement of the wave.

Researchers have created materials that have negative (not fractional)

of refraction, it is thought that light might exert tension on a material 

instead of pressure. Again, such light could only do this if its transverse 

field motion is what causes it momentum-effects.

Again, I really think I can do this, but I really need help.




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