Am 20.09.2011 19:49, schrieb Horace Heffner:

I think my conclusion was good: "None of this indicates for sure whether Rossi has anything of value or not. Maybe he does. The continued failure to obtain independent high quality input and output energy measurements prevents the public from knowing.

There is one thing that was unfortunately ignored in allmost all public discussions:

In all demonstrations, January demo, Essen Kulander demo, 3 Ny Teknik demos, the electrical input energy was not enough to heat the water to 100° Celsius. (I dont know aout the Krivit demo) There was without doubt some considerable boiling in all experiments and so the COP should be larger than 2.
This is mass flow calorimetry.
There /must/ be more energy than the /measured/ electrical energy.
So there is something, lets hope it is not a trick.


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