Jed sez:

> Here is an interesting treatise on being wrong:

It seems to be human nature to want to be right about what it is that
we chose to pontificate on. Unfortunately, arriving at certain
opinions seems to be one of humanities' worst traits. How many wars
were started due to a difference of opinion?

As the book by Kathryn Schultz ironically suggests, we tend to learn a
lot more about our environment (and ourselves) by acknowledging and
confronting the possibility that some of the assumptions and opinions
we strenuously defend might turn out to be dead wrong. Being wrong...
acknowledging the fact that we can be wrong about something results in
far more growth of the human condition than being right all the time.

All too often, and usually unbeknownst to our conscious awareness, we
tend to invest a vital sense of our own self-worth in an opinion. We
become oblivious to the fact that that the opinion we subsequently
defend had been crafted by us. We are oblivious to the fact that we
continue to maintain that opinion as if it has acquired a life of its
own. We continue breathing life and vitality into that opinion -
oblivious to the fact that we can just as easily destroy if we choose
to do so. We do not realize that we have given the opinion we created
power over our lives. We have essentially become slaves to many of our
opinions. They have become the masters of our lives. IMHO, the best
scientists, philosophers and teachers of the world understand this
all-too-human condition. They do their best never to fall prey to the
very opinions they have created. They strive never to forget the
terrible ramifications of loosing site of the consequences.

I hasten to add, I still find myself constantly at odds with many
opinions I have created throughout my life. However, since I have
become aware of this little trap, I think I'm getting a little better
each day not letting many of the incessant little opinions about this
or that issue that I created, rule my sense of self-worth.

And that's my o'pinun, so shuv it if ya don't like it.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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