On Sep 24, 2011, at 1:08 AM, Peter Heckert wrote:

Years ago there was a theory of Professor Günter Nimtz at university Kölln Germany. He had the theory (basing on experimental data) that Light has infinite speed inside Tunnel Effect regions. He made measurements and presented an Experiment where a Mozart Symphony was transmitted over short distance faster than light.
Nimtz is not a crack, he is a high level expert for microwaves,

This theory was heavily fighted and ridiculed and then forgotten after creating a lot of sensational reports in media. In his experiment only some photons where observed at FTL speed and so the Mozart Symphony was rather noisy ;-) So this is similar. Only some Neutrinos where observed to be FTL at CERN.
Most what is published in media is in german:
but his scientific publications are in english.
Example: Macroscopic violation of special relativity:

This is an amazing article!  Thanks for posting that.

It will take some time for me to digest that, if I ever can.

What I suggested earlier is similar. The Feynman diagram would look similar to the article diagram, except a virtual particle would merge at the left with the real particle to form a new virtual particle, which then splits to become the original two particles.

Obviously Nimtz is dealing with photons only. What I have suggested is essentially similar but involving neutrino-virtual-particle interaction. One has to wonder at the possibility of electron- virtual-particle interaction. The large rest mass of the electron may prevent coupling of its string to a virtual photon. Alternatively, Heisenberg could limit the duration of such a merger for an observable time.

This area is of great importance to the deflation fusion theory:


Best regards,

Horace Heffner

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